To be a poet one needs the six P’s – the pencil, the paper, the perception, the passion, the persistence and the unshakable persuasion that the poem is in fact possible and attainable. - Grace Perry

Friday, January 2, 2015

A New Year and finally taking action on some challenges I've been wanting to do...

The New Year, a time for new reading and writing challenges...

  • I have challenged myself to tweet a poem or line of poetry everyday @Rhi1988
  • I have set a reading challenge on GoodReads - 50 books read in 2015
  • I am also taking on the 2015 Australian Women Writers Challenge, which was set up to help overcome gender bias in the reviewing of books by Australian women. The challenge encourages avid readers and book bloggers, male and female, Australian and non-Australian, to read and review books by Australian women throughout the year. My aim is to read 6 books by Australian women – reviewing at least 4. Find out more about this challenge at @Auswomenwriters #aww2015