To be a poet one needs the six P’s – the pencil, the paper, the perception, the passion, the persistence and the unshakable persuasion that the poem is in fact possible and attainable. - Grace Perry

Friday, August 23, 2013

Experimental Love Poem

It has been a long time since I have found a spare moment to write a post here...

Let me fill you in on some of my goings on. I was involved in the Southern Highlands Writers' Festival, chairing a great panel discussion about 'Seeking Horizons: Local, Highly Acclaimed Poets in Discussion'. In this panel Chris Mansell, Ron Pretty, Mark Tredinnick and myself talked about where we write and how the places that we write from affect our poetry. 

I also participated in the Fest Factor, reading my poem 'Cafe Rosso', which you can read in Australian Poetry's Sotto. Congratulations to Lorin Reid for winning the Fest Factor! Lorin is a very talented slam poet!

The Southern Highlands Writers' Festival was the first literary event that myself and a team of tweeters live-tweeted from, capturing the inspirational atmosphere and some great quotes so that the conversations that began at the festival could be shared be a much wider audience. To find out more about the 2013 Southern Highlands Writers' Festival please check out the twitter #shwf2013.

I am currently the Acting Director at the South Coast Writers' Centre, which is keeping me very busy! We had Lynne Leonhardt at the Centre earlier this month reading from her latest book Finding Jasper. My team of tweeties got their digits moving and again shared some great quotes from Lynne's talk which can be found @SCWCentre.

Thankfully, I am coming to the end of my university studies. I am looking forward to the Christmas break and hopefully the whole lot of writing that I will be partaking in! For now though, here is an experimental love poem that I have been playing with.

143 (I Luv U!)

      459! wot r u up 2?
      thinking of u! HAK xx
          thanks hun! ILY!
    wot r u doing l8tr? xoxo
    i dont no… J
         want 2 do sum couch cuddling? J
   ILU! B round at 8 xxx
  cant wait 2 c u! LOL
              ILU2 v. much!!