November 2012 events at a glance:
Sunday, 4 November, 2-3.30pm: Poetry of Place – A Poetic Mapping of the Illawarra landscape, at Wollongong City Gallery. Chaired by Rhiannon Hall.Wednesday, 7 November, 6-8pm: Viva la Gong - Cultural Dialogues. Local authors will be part of a panel at the Wollongong City Gallery, speaking about their experience as writers in the region. Chaired by Simon Luckhurst.
Thursday, 8 November, 2-4.30pm: The Viva la Gong Rocket Readings, with guest poet Michael Sharkey and local poet Christine Paice, at the Wollongong City Gallery. Hosted by Linda Godfrey.
Friday, 9 November, 6-8.30pm: River Readings with Judith Beveridge at the Shoalhaven Arts Centre, Nowra, with a gold coin donation on entry. There will be open readings on the day, with a limit of five minutes. Poets must register on arrival. For bookings click here.
Saturday, 10 November, 2-4pm: Café Poet - Round Table Discussion with Mark Tredinnick at Gilbert's of Mittagong, 88 Main St, Mittagong.
Sunday, 18 November, 3-4pm: The Nan Tien Institute, SCWC and IAVA (Illawarra Association for the Visual Arts) art exhibition and poetry performances.
Saturday, 24 November, 12-3pm: Poetry Open Mic at Gilbert’s of Mittagong, 88 Main St, Mittagong.